My Life

My Life

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello, my name is Irritated

OK I am in a really irritable mood. I think I may be getting my monthly present soon and I am feeling my emotions getting all weird and increasing to dramatic.

A) Women in news. I cannot stand the way they speak. It makes me want to get incredibly violent. I want to punch them all in the crotch and I also want to punch the person who invented talking that way in the crotch. I totally turn off the news on a regular basis because of this. It is like bugs are crawling all over me. I can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!

B) The hair that women in news have. Seriously? Let's put pictures of all of them side by side and have a contest on who has the worst hair.

C)When I ask people for their address and they leave out the city, state, and zip code. IF I DON'T HAVE THOSE THEN YOUR ORDER WILL NOT GET TO YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

D) Do not say to me or any woman "You look so cute today! What are you doing after work?" Or "You look so pretty, what is the occasion?"  Do not try giving me a compliment for doing my makeup and not wearing sweats to work and then have it be followed by you implying I must be doing something extra special to make an effort in my appearance.

E) My effing right boot will not stay up. I look stupid.

F) Why did the stupid ass demon in Paranormal Activity 2 have to go after the cute dog? Go after the asshole Dad!

G) Why is it that when you are on a diet....all you ever see is candy and stuff. It's like when you go to the mall with lots of money and never find any clothes..but when you go and you don't have any spending money then all of a sudden there are millions of things you want.

This is what I want to do right now in the middle of work:

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