My Life

My Life

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday likes and dislikes 11

Last weekend was craaazzzyyyyy. Here are my likes and dislikes.

-My best friend Cassie had her 3rd girl on Saturday. Her name is Tristan and I already am in love with her. She is so cute and I want to snuggle her forever. I can't wait to have another baby.
-BLT sandwich. I am obsessed. They are so ridiculously good. I am going to make one for dinner tonight and I am going to try to convince myself using turkey bacon will make it healthier and better for me. But I am smarter than my tricky self. See I know there is grease involved no matter what. And we all know grease is not our friend. Grease likes to adhere itself to my ass and thighs. But tomatoes are good right? Lettuce is good too. I heard somewhere that your body burns more calories digesting the lettuce compared to how many calories the lettuce has.
-Sizzler. Their food is so good. Ryan took me to dinner on Friday to a new Sizzler that opened by our house. It was freaking tasty. The steak was perfect and I got mashed sweet potatoes. I thought I died and went to Heaven. Although we all know if I really died I would be sent straight to Hell. Hopefully Hell has mashed sweet potatoes and BLT's.

-I only have one because last weekend was pretty OK. The fat dirty old man who called me a Fucking Cunt at Maverick on Saturday. He was backing out from underneath the pump area in a Jeep with a huge trailer attached to it. He was going to hit my car so I started honking. He kept backing up and acted like he couldn't hear me. See, I love my car to bits. But I don't want her smashed into bits. So I got out of my car and said to the guy "What are you doing? You are going to hit my car! Quit backing up!" Instead of him saying something like sorry, he called me the worst thing you can call a woman. I am not going to tell the whole story because it would take forever. But let's just say besides the disrespect from my ex husband...I have never been treated or spoken to with such disrespect in my life. Let me tell you...I went ape shit. Ballistic on his ass. I don't think he knew what to do to back peddle after I lost my cool. I had enough restraint not to pull out his eyeballs and make him swallow them though. I told him he should be thankful my husband wasn't there because he would not have had any restraint. He said he wasn't scared and to call my husband. I said "Get out of your car!!!!!!! I don't need my husband! I can take care of you myself!" Needless to say...he did not exit his vehicle.

My Momma taught me right! I can handle myself. I don't need a man to protect me. And honestly, if Ryan was there...he'd be in jail right now. That man was saying the worst things you could say to a woman. I didn't even do anything. I was calm and collected until he called me the "C" word. Don't call me that unless you want to get worked over dude.

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