My Life

My Life

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday favorites

I decided to do a new fun thing! Well, I do my Monday likes and I am going to do Friday Favorites! Ooooooo aaaaaaaahhhhh. Delightful right?
Oh, and this has nothing to do with favorites...but I think it's very important to mention. Does anyone know why the 'N' is in Autumn? Just for fun? Does anyone pronounce that word and include the n? I decided that lil' guy needs some acknowledgement...I am going to start saying the n part too. I don't care if people correct me or make fun of me! Screw you! N's need love too. Like how I call a knife a Knife (the K is big because I say it like this ka nife). ANYWAYS...........

1) A few Christmases ago...or was it last Christmas? I have the memory of a 102 year old woman. Jessie's Mom Jill bought me this glorious candle by a company called Woodwick. The only place I have seen these is at Bed Bath & Beyond. They are kinda spendy..the large is $23. I am in love. The wick is made of (are you ready for this shocker?) WOOD. Sooo, when the candle is burning you hear a crackling. It sounds like a camp fire. I only light mine when I am reading or in a bubble bath. I want to save it FOREVER. Here is their website AND Here is a pic of one:

2) Now if you are not a cheap hooker like me..then you have no problem spending $23 on a candle. And if you are a cheap hooker like me then when you get one as a gift you save it and save it and only burn it on special occasions. BUT guess what? I found some at Walmart yesterday called Wonderful Wick. And it's like the same damn thing pretty much. I bought a 8 oz Applewood Spice candle for $5.82. Holy shit balls. Am I a saver or what? Walmart only carries like 5 or so I can't help you there. I couldn't find a website. If you want a variety of fragrance choices...get a woodwick. They have tons on their site. But if you want to spend $5 and choose something like pine, spice, pumpkin, or sandlewood..then go to Walmart.

3) Candy corn pumpkins are my fave. I like the Kroger brand. And at Smith's they are only $1.99

4) Burt's Bees chapstick. It's like rubbing a baby bum on your mouth. Wait...that didn't sound right. I just mean it's really soft and smooth and it's not like I have ever rubbed a baby's bottom on my mouth. GEEEEZ

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