My Life

My Life

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anxiety? pshhhhhhhhhhhh

I had a pretty shitty day yesterday. Being a woman sucks. I would totally trade my crazy intense cramps and period for a set of balls. When it's that time of the month for me, you need to be aware that I am sort of psychotic. I am hysterical.

Yesterday I was having the worst cramps. To the point that I was nauseous. I almost went home from work. But, I toughed it out all day and decided to go home and try to relax the best I could. I am a clean freak. Ryan and I both are. We vacuum usually twice a day and I dust the house probably more than the normal person. If I get a drink and leave my cup on the counter for 5 minutes...I will come back to it and it will already be in the dishwasher. We are weird I guess. But my point is...Molly. We bought her believing she was a purebred Great Pyrenees (which don't really shed except for their Winter coat). Turns out she is half yellow lab (which do shed. a shit ton). So Molly sheds like a lab and has the long white fur like a Great Pyrenees. Ryan and I are constantly vacuuming her hair up off the carpet, kitchen floor, and couches. We have to change our sheets and stuff every other day. It bothers me, but I deal with it because I love her so much and it's not like she can help it.

So last night I get home from work and I am emotional and in pain. Pretty much right away I start freaking out. I for some reason felt incredibly overwhelmed and thought the hair and house was caving in on me. I vacuumed like a mad woman and vacuumed the couches and kitchen floor. I took Molly outside and used our Furminator that I bought on Ebay and started brushing her. I had a for reals anxiety attack and started just bawling like a psycho. Ryan called and I was crying and crying. Now, looking back, I feel like an idiot. But last night it was very intense ok? INTENSE.

I don't take medication SO I decided the way to cure my craziness was to drink a half a bottle of wine. Let me tell you something. It works. I was a little drunk and I completely relaxed. I got in a bubble bath with a candle and everything was A-ok. So the moral of this story is to just drink wine instead of your pills. Do NOT drink wine and your pills. That could be tragic.

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