My Life

My Life

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday likes and dislikes

- Brown sugar oatmeal.
-The cute little coffee lid stoppers at my favorite coffee place Daily Espresso.
- Coming home from vacation. I love vacation, but there is nothing like coming home. Sleeping in your own bed.
-True Blood. Eric and Alcide are so hot I cannot stand it. How can I get cast on that show? I think for sure I could play a slutty vampire or werewolf.
- Knowing later today I am going to get some new pretty bras. My girls need love too!
-Going to Tim McGraw this weekend. I can't wait to see him in those tight jeans.

-The dentist. Who likes the dentist? I hope they were all aware when choosing that profession that they are one of the most disliked people ever. No one is excited to go see their dentist.
- Needles. I hate them. I loathe them. I want to murder them. If they were alive, I would murder them.
- Allergies. I never had them until I got Molly. She sheds so much. I have to vacuum twice a day. I love her soooo much so of course I will deal with it. I do think I need some allergy meds that are prescribed by a doctor that are extra strength. This generic brand I got at Walmart blows.
- Being 20 lbs overweight. This week is the start of a new Heather! You just wait. I am gonna be in the best shape by Halloween. I may just buy a slutty Halloween costume and surprise Ryan as Officer Naughty.

1 comment:

  1. I take Allegra for allergies its the best. No drowsy, or upper feeling's ever.
