My Life

My Life

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday likes and dislikes 2

- Buying presents for Ryan and my Dad for Fathers Day and seeing their smiles :) Ryan loved the bumble bee cookie he got from Gabe.
-Guesstures with the fam. Holy shit it is funny. I seriously should have a 6 pack after last night.
- Molly got fixed and her dew claws removed on Thursday. Crockett was so so so excited to see her. He really hasn't left her side. He was giving her kisses and snuggling right up next to her.
- Putting on a movie in Gabe's room and hearing it while I am doing something in the kitchen.
- Watermelon! It is sooo freaking good. And I think it's pretty good for you too..right?
- Getting my brows waxed on Saturday and no longer having a caterpillar on my forehead.
- Coming to work and given chocolate chip cookies by my friend Natalie.
- My new painted front porch (pictures soon)
- Looking down and seeing my wedding ring. I love my husband so much

This is kind of a problem. I can be negative really easy. I wish I was more of a cup half full person. Maybe with time I can get there. I have way way more dislikes than likes. Hopefully some of you share the same dislikes and then we can have coffee and discuss our dislikes and eat croissants too and be fancy.

- People whose Facebook picture albums consist of about 90% pictures of themselves. Don't you have more important things in your life? Family, friends, kids, dogs, vacations??? Pretty much you are in love with yourself and should get a room. I don't want to get into my Facebook and be slapped in the face by 6 new uploads of your face in different ways. You smiling mouth open, mouth closed, you giving a seductive glance at the camera, then away from the camera, sticking out your tongue, winking. Who are you??? Do you have a job? I for one do not have time to sit in my bathroom taking 60435103474 pictures of myself. And yes, after writing this I am the stupid one for keeping them on my friends list.

- Me keeping self portrait picture obsessed Facebook picture posters on my friends list. I am just too nice of a person to delete them..instead I talk shit on my blog.

-That when cookies are in front of me I can never eat just 1 or 2. Dammit!!!!

- People that have those stupid ass pictures in the back window of their car like this:

Some people even get more creative and do something like a bunch of frogs, flowers, smiley faces. Once I saw a bunch of the Apple logos. Largest to smallest. DUH. As soon as I see them I want to puke on the back of their car for being so cheesy.

- My stupid OCD about biting my nails. I have nasty ass mechanic hands or something. Or you know on Lord of the Rings..and you can see Frodos hands? Like this:

It's kind of blurry, but you get the idea. I have way short nails. I bite them like crazy. It used to hurt, but I have been doing it so long that I can get them extremely short and it doesn't hurt. It is such a gross disgusting habit. And my hands look nasty and I hate it. I do try growing them out, but then something stresses me out and I automatically bite them off. HELP ME!

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