My Life

My Life

Friday, June 10, 2011

Maybe it's the damned dirty medication

I talked yesterday about my fat ass and my battle with the bulge. I started thinking about reasons why I wasn't losing weight. It couldn't be my diet or my workout regimen. Then all of a sudden! Eureka! I am like 99% positive its my depression and anxiety meds. I realized I have been taking them for about 6-8 months and since then I have gained 20 pounds. I made a doctor appt with my sweet heart of a lady doctor Mrs. Kim Winegar. If you need a regular doctor to visit...go see her. She is so nice and caring and wonderful. Anyways...I told her I needed a refill on my medications I am taking. BUT first I wanted to tell her what I was going through. I told her of my weight problems and the fact that no matter how much sleep I get, I am still exhausted all day. Not tired all day...EXHAUSTED is the word. She said Saratonin (I think its spelled right) can make you gain weight. She asked me if the Celexa was helping my depression and anxiety. I said "it was, but now because I have become an exotic breed of whale...I am depressed and anxious for a whole new reason!".

She prescribed me something called Wellbutrin (prob spelled wrong) and she said it can make me lose weight and give me energy. I am excited and willing to give it a try. If it doesn't make the weight start coming off and/or I start gaining more...I am off pills forever. FOR. E-EVRRRR. I am vain. I am shallow. I need to be skinny and in shape. I need to look at myself in the mirror and think "DAYAM!" But right now when I look at myself in the mirror especially in the nude...I black out and wake up on the floor. It's a tragedy.

Also she informed me she would be sending someone in to draw my blood. I said "what you talkin bout Willis?" I hate...detest...needles. They strike me with so much fear that I'd rather meet Hitler and tell him he looks like a Jew. But I took one for the team (which I am the only one on the team) and I had Dr. Death draw my blood. I had to hold a dang paper towel to absorb the sweat pouring out of my hands. They were drawing my blood to test me for thyroid problems, Vitamin D deficiency, and Anemia. I guess we'll see what happens.


  1. Good luck with switching meds. I had a friend that switched hers and she dropped 30 lbs by doing nothing over the course of 4 months. Hope it helps you. I totally understand that doing everything in your power and yet the wobbly bits remain.

  2. Thanks! I seriously would be the happiest person ever if I lost 30 pounds. I kind of have crappy luck...but we will see. Stupid wobbly bits!

  3. I am glad you figured that one out Heather.... Now help me find out why the EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I have the same damn problem but I am not on any medication?!?!?!? WTF!

  4. Well it could be the meds I was on. I guess we will see what these new ones do. It could be stress. You know how stressed we get between the hours of 7 and 4 pm
