My Life

My Life

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mirror mirror on the wall...why am I so gross?

Let me start off by saying that if you don't want to see a blog post from me entirely about my insecurities and doubts about myself...then get out now!

When I was in high school I was a tiny thing around 95 pounds. I ate what I wanted and seriously never worked out. I really did take my body for granted. I think most girls that age do. I wish I could go back in time and punch myself in the face. Can you believe I would even whine and say I was FAT??!!! There wasn't an ounce of fat on me! I was an idiot.

Then I got pregnant at 16 with my beautiful son Gabriel. He was my everything from the moment I found out he was growing in my tummy. At 16 I had no regular workout regimen and I ate anything and everything. Again, I took my little body for granted. Well that bit me in the ass come 9 months later when I gave birth to a 3 pound baby and I had gained 78 pounds. At first I didn't let it get to me that I was big. Trust me, I was BIG. I am only 5'3 so 178 pounds on a short midget isn't attractive. I was more concerned about Gabe and making sure he was healthy and happy. After a few months I realized I couldn't fit into anything and I was still wearing maternity clothes. I went from a size 1 to a size 15. On top of that my stupid husband at the time (BIG MISTAKE) made me feel like a huge ugly whale. He referred to me as battle ax. Which basically means "woman of hideous proportions". I seriously hated him and the only reason I married him was because I was pressured into it by EVERYONE. My Mom was the voice of reason and I was stupid and didn't listen to her. My ex really got me motivated to get all sexy and skinny and then I left his gross ass.

I turned into a gym rat. I was there almost every single day. I didn't do tons of cardio, but I lifted weights like it was no ones business. I had gotten myself back down to a size 3. I was in the best shape of my life. I was muscular and toned and tiny again. This time I worked my ass off for my body and would never take it for granted again. I started dating Ryan and he was also a gym rat. He was (and still is) the sexiest man I've ever seen. He was tan and in amazing shape. Muscular and strong. We worked out together a lot and I had lots of fun with it. After years of doing this I started to get burned out. I went from going 5-6 days a week to going maybe twice then eventually not at all.

 After my angel baby passed away I got worse. I quit caring about life. I quit caring about everything. Especially taking care of myself. I ate pretty much everything and slept most of the time. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym. I pretty much quit living. After about a year, and constant coaxing from my family, I went to the doctor to get on some anti-depressant and anxiety medication. I started feeling better. Like maybe I could start living for Gabriel again, but this time it would be to make him happy from Heaven. I wanted him to be proud of me. I didn't want him to see me sad. 

A new rec center opened up behind our house and Ryan bought us a family pass. I started going about twice a week to not over do it. I built up to 4-5 days a week. I just went back to my old way of working out which was lots of weights and some cardio. I was getting so frustrated because I was getting really really strong, but my body hadn't changed appearance wise. I talked to my very knowledgeable husband Ryan and he told me that I probably can't work out the same way I did when I was 19. I'm 26 and my body and metabolism are different. He suggested I do the aerobics classes. They have them almost everyday and most are a combination of cardio, weights, and resistance training. I found out I love them! They are fun and go by fast.

Here is the problem though...I have been working out about 4-5 days a week and haven't lost 1 single pound. NOT ONE!!!!! You may think it could possibly be my diet. Let me tell you my diet on a basic day:
Breakfast-coffee, banana, egg whites or special K
snack-something like carrots, apple, yogurt, of those
lunch-chicken and a veggie
snack-same as above. A snack under 100 calories
dinner-it depends but it's almost always healthy.

I don't eat a lot of junk. The most sugary thing I have all day is my coffee. I am seriously at my wits end. I am so emotionally exhausted from this. I have gotten my thyroid tested twice and it's normal. I workout tons, I eat healthy, I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. I should be losing inches and pounds like it was nothing. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. Its effecting my relationship because I am so insecure. I feel like a fat cow. I literally have 2 closets full of clothes and can't fit into 3/4 of them. I have no idea what else to do. If anyone has any suggestions..I would be willing to try anything except obviously starving myself. I am not that desperate or stupid.

Help a girl out.


  1. First of all you are gorgeous. Second of all. We are old and our bodies hate us. I am in the same boat. If you figure out the secret. Please let me know

  2. Um... have you tried chilling the fuck out? It sounds like you need to relax. Maybe you should come visit me in LA.....

  3. Fartknocker...I would love to come see you! I can't chill out when I look like Free Willy. I am sure stress is a huge part of it though. I am going to send you a message on fb with my number mmmk bitch?
