My dogs are a blessing to me. I love them both so much. They are always happy to see me and are always willing to cuddle and play. And they are the best cuddlers :) But I have laid to rest many things since I have had my dogs. Let's take a look back and remember all the murdered and assaulted possessions of mine that suffered at the
-Socks. Multiple socks. Like I bet I could make a quilt to cover a giant with all the socks that they destroyed together.
-Money. Cash and checks. Wtf? Who eats money? Don't they realize that the $20 they just ate could have bought them 2 bags of pig ears?
-Furniture. Kitchen chairs and table, two couches...(none of the arms were safe), patio furniture, swimming pool
-Photo albums. Thank God Crockett didn't get to the pictures inside and just the covers. Because I seriously kicked his ass and if he destroyed the pictures of Gabe...he would have been a dead dog.
-Underwear. Mostly mine. RIP panties with crotch eaten out
-Cell phone. $300 cell phone might I add.
-Multiple flip flops
-Slippers. This year alone I have had to say good bye to 4 pairs.
-$250 prescription eye glasses. I went ape shit on Crockett and in the middle of Winter in the snow I ran outside and walked around the neighborhood in gym shorts and a t shirt until I was positive he was more important than the glasses.
-Stuffed animals. Specifically Gabe's stuffed animals. Two of his monkeys are now blind.
-Rugs. 3 rugs to be exact.
-Pillows. I would say 5 pillows at least.
-Back porch. We do not have beavers living with us that are eating the wood and storing it for their dam. We have two dogs that apparently have a weird ass craving for wood sometimes.
-Bark. Decorative bark for flowers beds...we have since changed to decorative rock in the backyard flower beds.
-Chain link fence. When Crockett was a puppy he chewed his way out of his dog run.
-Toilet paper. Molly prefers to take the end of it and then carry it around the house with her. So then I walk in and there is a long stream of TP going from room to room and leading right into the belly of the beast.
-Book and journal
-Shoes and shoe laces
-Dog house
-Pine cones. I told you about my decorative pine cones. They are all gone. They left behind a very lonely basket.
I don't even know the dollar amount of everything they have ruined. But I do know although they have made me and Ryan crazed lunatic bat shit angry...I can't picture my life without them. I love them so so much and I am thankful for them every day.