My Life

My Life

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tag! You're it!

This is circling around blog world...I thought I'd be part of the gang and join in the fun!

1. If you had a time machine, where or rather when would you go?

I would go back to the year me and Ryan got married. I would never let anything happen to Gabriel. We would be a happy family and never be apart. That after work Gabriel would be at home with Ryan waiting for me with a big drooly smile on his face

2. Diamonds or Pearls?

Neither. I am not a girly girl when it comes to jewelry 

3. What's your favorite movie?

That is really hard to pick. I would have to say Princess Bride. "Anybody want a peanut?"

4. When you were a kid, what was your favorite television show?

Full House. I was so pissed when it ended that I wrote a letter to the show and asked my Mom to mail it to them. I am sure she didn't...but she convinced me that she did when I was a stupid gullible Heather. And by the way.. I am still gullible....and stupid.   

 5. Let's pretend you found $50 in your couch cushions, what would you run out and buy?

You're totally going to think I am boring...I would put it in my savings account...Molly or Crockett eventually will be the cause of me having to break down and buy new couches...and that $50 will help me not murder them

 6. What is your favorite color?

To for sure. And in general...probably green or orange. Orange reminds me of my Gabe

 7. Why did you start your blog?

I used to keep a journal when I was younger...and I just kind of stopped. This is a nice way to get out my thoughts when I have them...which is rare hee hee

 8. What is your favorite home decor store?

This is the honest to God truth...Ross. I love Ross. It's cheap and usually they only have 1 or 2 of something so I feel like I am special. I like to feel special. 

9. Name one thing in your make-up bag you can not live without?


10. And here is one that I added for fun! Cuz I am fun! What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

Probably people that don't dress their children according to the weather. Do not put your kid in a t-shirt and shorts with no coat if its Winter...and don't put them in jeans and a hoodie when its August. I think people should have to pass a test before they can become parents OR adopt animals.  

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