My Life

My Life

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Beauty & The Beast Festival of Trees 2011

I have been talking about Festival of Trees a ton for the last few months. Every single year my family and I decorate a tree in memory of my sweet Gabe and then we donate it to the Festival of Trees. It gets auctioned off and all the proceeds go to Primary Children's Hospital. It's my way of giving Gabe a Christmas present each year while also giving back to that incredible hospital. 
This time of year is always hard for me emotionally. I used to love the holiday season. It's about family. Surrounding yourself with all those you love and cherish. The last 3 Christmases have not been easy for me or my family. The most wonderful happy little boy in the entire world....the reason that all of us are the people that we are...isn't here anymore to spend the holidays with us. This is the hardest time of year other than August. 
Festival of Trees really helps me. Its like therapy for me. I know that my Gabe is right there with me helping me decorate that tree. I know what he will like and won't like and I try to make it the most perfect I can. I want him to be so happy and proud of his tree each year. He is still my life. The light in my heart. In my soul. He is my son and the most wonderful blessing I could have ever hoped for. 
This year we did a Beauty and The Beast theme. Gabe's most favorite movie of all time history is Beauty and The Beast. I swear he could watch it 365 days a year and never ever get sick of it. I really really hope he liked it. We included all of the characters too. Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Phillipe, Belle, the Beast, the mirror, the rose... all of it.

My family and I at the Festival of Trees last Saturday

My life. Gabe, Jess, and Ryan

Me and my silly little monkey

Ryan being idiotic

My brother being idiotic

My family and I the day we decorate Gabe's tree

Gabe's tree "Happily Ever After"

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