My Life

My Life

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Returning from vacation blows

My cute little sister Shelby turned 18 on the 22nd. My Mom and I decided to take her to Vegas to celebrate. We took her friend Jackie and our soon to be sister in law Diana. We had so much fun. The weather was PERFECT. Utah has been so shitty. Gloomy, dark, and rainy. It was such a great change. It was 95 and sunny the whole time. We laid out every day. I have a sexy little tan going on! We were gone for almost 5 days. As much as I enjoyed the weather, I was definitely home sick. I missed my Ryan and my puppies.

We did some fun things and laughed a lot. I should have a 6 pack from how much laughing I did. On the way there we saw two cows humping. It was intriguing and disgusting. How do they get themselves up there when they are so damn heavy? Also, we stopped to pee in the middle of no where because we couldn't find any turn off that had services. Soooo we just pulled off onto the side of the road and did our businasss. We got lots of honks haha. I really didn't care if truckers could see my vadge. I had to pee like it was the end of the world.

There was this really cool hotel called The Cosmopolitan. It was a new one on the strip. We decided to explore. It was super fancy and cool. I could never afford a place like that. It was all artsy fartsy and stuff. Well during our exploration of this fancy pants hotel we found these HUGE shoes. My Mom decided she was 5 and wanted to climb in one. Of course she slipped and fell and got stuck. I mean majorly stuck. We were trying for like 15 minutes to get her out. We were laughing so hard we all almost peed. There was a crowd forming too. It was effing hilarious. 

My 18 year old sister got hit on by two 32 year old men. My Mom went all Mama Bear on them and they proceeded to buy her a drink hahaha.

We stayed at the ever so fancy Hooters Hotel and Casino. I love being classy. The pool actually wasn't half bad and the drinks were delicious. I got a Pina Colada frozen beverage and then a Strawberry Daquiri or however you spell it. There were plenty of drunk stupid men saying drunk stupid things. And eye raping me and the other girls. But who can beat $270 for 4 nights? And I can take being asked to smoke some chronic a few times by our neighbors as long as they got caught by security WHICH THEY DID.

We went to the Peep Show which was friggin awesome. Holly Maddison is so pretty. And I have never in my life seen such perfect symmetrical boobs. Josh Strickland is hot as hell and has a crazy set of pipes! He can sing like none other. The show was awesome. It wasn't just a bunch of naked chicks dancing around. There were so many cool dances and tricks. It was so funny and entertaining. I would go see it again in a heartbeat! I would recommend it to anyone except for Mormons, my Dad, and nuns.

It was such a fun trip. Now I am back home and I am tired. Why does it take a few days after vacation to recoup? I am exhausted. I took my lunch at work today at 9 am and went and slept in my car for an hour. It wasn't long enough. I could go home and sleep all day. I didn't even drink that much! I can honestly say I didn't even get drunk in Vegas. On top of ended and Ryan will be able to sleep in ALL SUMMER. I get to wake up at the ass crack of dawn and go to work all day while he gets to sleep in and drink coffee in our bed. NOT FAIR. And he will rub it in like he does every year that bastard! I will get him back somehow....hmmmmm

And here are some pictures from Sin City.
My Mom stuck in the shoe of death and Dana laughing at her

My pretty sis and me

Trying to help my Mom out

My Mom almost peeing herself

M&M's are yummy!

The crazy Cosmopolitan hotel lobby

I wanted to help them escape and take them to the wild

Me and my buddy Holly

Dana and Holly

Fremont Street was friggin cool

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