My Life

My Life

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gym Time

Since November I have been doing boot camp. It's been really nice to go, be told what to do, sweat my ass off, and lose a few pant sizes.  BUT, I get bored of things easily...I'm like a 3 year old. I decided to cancel the boot camp and get back to the good ole' gym. I actually missed it. As I have been working out at Gold's Gym...I have come to a realization of things I did not miss. I am going to tell you right now that because I am a pretty decent person and a good friend...IF you are doing any of these things at the gym, then you need to immediately punch yourself in the crotch for being a douche bag.

1. Guys that check themselves out in the mirror more than they are working out.
2. Guys that check themselves out in the mirror as they are working out.
3. Guys that work out with shorts or pants not around their waists, but under their butt cheeks. How in the Hell are you supposed to workout or run while trying to hold up your pants?
4. Girls who wear all their makeup and their hair perfectly done to workout.
5. People that don't re-rack their weights
6. People who jump on the machine I am using just seconds after I get off of it in between my sets. I AM NOT DONE USING IT ASSHOLE!
8. The skinny as crap trainers who look 12 who ask me if I want a 1 hour personal training session. Are you sure you have a ball sack and have hit puberty yet?
9. People who lurk the machine I am using and sit and stare at me until I am finished. WARNING: I will take way way longer to finish if you do this.
10. The last one I am guilty of pretty much any time I work out. I can't help it! But it must go. I have already punched my crotch several times. People that FART while working out right next to me. I at least have the courtesy to walk into a corner, fart as inconspicuously as I can, exit the corner like nothing happened, and continue my workout.

I can't think of anything else right now, but I am sure more will come to me.


  1. Heather, I am laughing at this because I agree with you on all these. Except that #8 for me is trainers/gym staff who look out of shape. Now I understand that one can be a good coach without playing the game, but I don't want a fat trainer!

    I also hate when I am using a, let's say, smith machine, and there are two other - each with a guy inside. And a dude walks up to MY smith machine and wants to work in. Why don't you ask the two other guys to share. Are you implying that my workout time is less precious than theirs because I am a woman? And hell no you cannot do pullups on the back of the rack while I do squats inside either. Go away perv.

    And lastly, it is not OK to sit on one machine forever, while not exercising and looking at me THROUGH the mirror. Creep. I.CAN.SEE.YOU. The mirror works both ways.

  2. Ugh yeah...dirty perverts. I used to get that at the gym when I was doing dead lifts. Since I am 6 months pregnant right now..I don't get the nasty looks. Maybe I need to be pregnant all the time
