My Life

My Life

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday likes and dislikes 20

1. I have the most ridiculously cool toilet EVER. Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

2. My weekend with my husband was awesome. We laid in bed practically all weekend and watched Harry Potter. During this fun weekend, I learned some things. 
A) I want a dog like Fang
B) I want a hall pass to do Sirius Black
C) I want to live in a cabin/hut like Hagrid
D) I want chocolate frogs to eat whenever I want

3. Spartacus is adorable and I want to snuggle him forever and ever. 

1. Any and all of the Malfoy's. They all look like someone peed on their heads. If I were a wizard (which I am) I would use the killing curse on the lot of them. 

2. Cheesecake and I have a love/hate relationship. It tastes so so good when it hits my lips...then it appears as a big blob of fat on my arse. 

3. I dislike the fact that I cannot resist girl scout cookies. I CAN"T! There is no part of me that can withstand the deliciousness of them. I could never say "No thank you little girl. I'd rather have an apple."

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