My Life

My Life

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear sleep...I love you

Lately I have been soooo incredibly lazy. I did just get my wisdom teeth out so that is a good excuse for the last few days. See, I have a problem. A love affair. A love affair with sleep. I love sleep so much it isn't even funny. If I could sleep in until 11 every day I would. My dream job would be a mattress tester. I could just sleep and test out mattresses for a living. Do you think that job exists?

This guy has the right idea
Because of my love for sleep, I would rather sleep an extra hour than get up and get ready for the day. This happens every single day. I tell myself the night before "Okay, you are going to set your alarm for 530 and get up and get all gorgeous." Then 530 comes and I hit snooze until 615. That barely gives me enough time to wash my face, throw on some clothes (which is usually my soccer warm ups and a hoodie), and make coffee. I always throw my hair up in a bun or pony and never wear makeup. When I sleep in for that extra hour I am so content and happy. Snuggly and warm in my bed. BUT then when I get to work I am so pissed at myself I can't stand it. This is how I usually look every single day (unless Ryan and I go out on a date)

I am not even joking. I go to work like this every day

Same here except I don't wear these holy pants

Like my Phineas and Ferb shirt? I love it sooo much! One of the best cartoons ever!

Okay, so anyways. See what I mean?  No makeup, glasses, hair up, WAY casual clothes. We have a dress code at my work, but they don't enforce it. Sometimes I wish they would because then I would have an excuse to get ready. I used to work at BMW and they required us to all be in business attire and have our hair and makeup done. It sucked big donkey balls. I hated it. That could be one reason why I don't like getting ready. But I think mostly it's because I love sleep more. I get to work and am immediately pissed off at myself for being a lazy ho bag. I have all these cute clothes in my closet, but no one would ever know. I also clean up pretty well too. But again, no one would ever know. Like every now and then I get a wild hair up my ass and decide to get all dolled up and stuffs. I get this response when I do " Heather you look sooooo cute! What's the occasion?" or "What are you doing today that has you all dressed up?". Stuff like that.

Here is what I look like when I try. It's an improvement for sure.

I know I know...kinda slutty. But it was Vegas baby!
I think next week, starting a new fresh work week, I am going to try to get myself ready every day and look perty. We'll see! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, I hate getting ready, or wearing make-up.I never want to anymore... If it were my way I would sleep all the time too!
