My Life

My Life

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday favorites 5

1) I discovered this amazing chap stick awhile back at my friends house. At first I was playing with it because I thought it was a toy. Then she tells me that is chap stick and magically opens it. I was amazed! I bought some at Walmart yesterday and it's been love ever since. Its called EOS and it's eco-friendly too!

2) These are my pumpkins from this year. My sweet brother Kason and his gf Ali made me the Little Monkey pumpkin and the painted monkey pumpkin. It made my night when they surprised me last week. I painted the itsy bitsy spider one for my baby and took it to the cemetery for him.

3) The other night playing a new game I learned called Turrets my brother Kason broke our kitchen chair while sitting on it and came crashing to the floor. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Does he look guilty in this picture? I think he does.

4) And finally. As I have mentioned before, Ryan and I are doing a Beauty and the Beast themed tree for Gabe this year for Festival of Trees. Belle loved reading books. The Beast gave her his humongous library as a surprise. The other day we were in Hobby Lobby and I saw this table I wanted to use as a side table next to the tree. It was made of books. I looked at the price tag and threw up in my mouth a little. It was $150! And then I realized it was on sale 30% off. Still, that was over $100. I tried to put it out of my mind and decided to just find something else in my price range. The next day Ryan woke up and said he was going to get some juice at the store. I was asleep still when he got home. He asked me to turn over and look at my cat Jasmine. She was sitting on top of that table! He had gone to the store and bought it for me. I of course freaked out and still cannot stop smiling. And I know Gabe is smiling too. I am so thankful for my wonderful thoughtful husband. I am a very lucky woman indeed.

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